Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our First Snow...

We awoke to about 3 inches this morning! The first snowfall is always so beautiful and fun, but wait and see what I think of it in February.:) Ben was gentlemanly enough to shovel for his mama, sweet boy. We must buy snow pants--otherwise they come back inside much sooner than I want them to!

Well, we're unfortunately at the same weight with Luke as last week. Desperate times call for desperate measures...well, not really.:) I'm implementing a few changes to our routine and after speaking with the best uncertified lactation consultant I know (thanks, Leanna--who is better than a certified one, I'm sure!), I think we'll make some strides in the weight-gain category this week. He is doing fine--he's alert, has a lusty cry, he's two inches longer than he was at birth--everything a baby should, he's just not gaining weight. Please pray for him, and for me, that our changes will plump him up this week and that I can do everything he needs. I had a few thoughts early in my pregnancy (I do have those every now and then!) that it would be nice to have a book or a website for mommies who've had 3 or more babies, and I am especially thinking that now. I think a third pregnancy or more is very different from a first or second pregnancy and the same for the baby once it's here. I never felt like I could find good information for my particular issues, during pregnancy and now, and when I had Ben and Lauren I didn't feel that way. What do you mom's of 3 or more think?

Looks like we're in for a long weekend at home. Feeding, pumping, supplementing, making Christmas cards, feeding, pumping, supplementing...hope yours is great!


Crew Mom said...

OK...thanks for making us all wish we were in Ohio! Tatum said, "That's AWESOME!" Hunter said, "That's FUNNY!" and don't you know Sydney was worried about Ben's hands being cold in the snow! Sweet girl, always worried about "her man!" It looks just beautiful. And, Jolie, I like what Dawn said, you're a confident Mom who knows her baby, no one knows better than you what's best for Luke. I bet he'll plump up so much that in a few months we'll have to try hard to remember that he was little once!

Autryville said...

He DOES have gloves!! I don't know where they were!:)

Amber said...

So jealous of your snow. This is the time of year when all of our family calls us to brag about how beautiful the snow is, knowing full well that we are so stinkin' jealous. But we get our turn in Jan/Feb when we call them and brag about our mid-70 degree temps. :) It all weighs out.

I am totally for a website for 3rd or subsequent pregnancies/kids. The third pregnancy is definitely more difficult than the previous just makes you feel a lot older. :)

Dawn said...

My 3rd pregnancy was the worst in every way - nausea, carpal tunnel + swelling in every other area, weigh gain, labor and delivery. Actually, they're all different, just like the babies.

Praying for weight gain, peace of mind, and sleep for mommy and baby.